Student Senate



group photo

Finance Committee Meeting Agenda 3/4/24

The Student Senate of Chabot College (SSCC), challenges ourselves to form a more united student body at Chabot College, advocate for and provide support to the rights, freedoms, and responsibilities of Chabot students, encouraging student involvement and improving the college environment for Chabot students.

What We Do

  1. Seek student needs and help students achieve their goals by providing:
    • Scholarships (over $20,000 awarded each year)
    • Town Hall meetings to bring student concerns to student leaders
    • De-stress events before finals week
    • Extra tutoring before finals

  2. Distribute Associated Students Activities Fees according to the best interests of students:
    • $10,000 direct support provided to clubs on campus through Gladiator Days, Club Days, coordination of Inter-Club Council, and start-up funding and matching funds for Club fundraisers.
    • $75,000 direct support provided last year to support campus events and programs (co-curricular funding), with additional SSCC funding directed to capital improvements on campus. Examples:
      • Women’s History Month speaker
      • Forensics Team trip to National Competition
      • Graduation and spring awards banquet
      • Passion and Purpose events
      • Día del Niño/ Día del libro events

  3. Educate students about and help shape the policies that affect them by representing the student body to local and state administrators, and to the community at large. We advocate on behalf of students and participate in over 15 different Shared Governance committees on campus, ranging from facilities to curriculum, making sure that the student voice is heard;

  4. Host social and service events throughout the year to improve community and support civic engagement including holiday fun, literacy drives, faculty appreciations, food and toy drives.
Contact Us

Building & room Building 2300, Room 2311 - 2nd floor

Phone 510.723.6642

Fax: 510.723.7196

staff Meet Our Members

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